The evidence and research suggest that the mouth and heart may be closely linked to each other. The best example can be the bacteria that are present in gum disease, which spreads all over the body. It causes inflammation in the heart’s vessels, also infecting the heart valves. A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that in America, almost half of the adults who are in the ’30s and 70% of older people who are about 65 have some stage of gum disease.
Some researchers state that the link between gum disease and inflammation can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and sudden vascular events. It is still unknown about the exact nature of the effect-and-cause relationship. It may be because there are many different reasons or sources that can cause inflammation. So that makes it hard to conclude that gum disease is the only reason that causes inflammation.
The case gets even riskier if the patient has high cholesterol. In some cases, researchers have found oral bacteria in the fatty deposits of people who have atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up in the arteries. If left untreated, the deposits will end up narrowing arteries or even break loose and clog them over time, leading to a stroke or heart attack.
The bacteria that are present in the gum disease can get into the bloodstream, affecting the heart and directly infecting the heart valves. Once the bloodstream gets infected and affects the heart valves, you need to visit a cardiologist immediately before the situation gets severe.
There are certain signs and symptoms of gum disease that you need to keep in your mind, such as:
It is better if you get the gum disease treated at an early stage when it is mild, like gingivitis. You need to keep in mind some of the steps below; as you know, prevention is better than cure.
Find the best remedy for gum disease by requesting an appointment with Dr. Kossi at our locations in Canyon Country and Valencia, CA.
The evidence and research suggest that the mouth and heart may be closely linked to each other. The …
The evidence and research suggest that the mouth and heart may be closely linked to each other. The …
The evidence and research suggest that the mouth and heart may be closely linked to each other. The …
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