5 New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Dental Health

5 New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Dental Health

Posted by Dr. Kossi on Dec 26 2019, 02:17 AM

5 New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Dental Health

The new year is almost near, and there seems to be no better time of the year to kick-start and establish healthy habits for your dental health. Be it improving the way you brush, fulfilling an existing dental treatment, setting dental wellness goals is always on the table, and its benefits are often rewarding.

Always remember to make resolutions that are achievable so that they don't merely lay hanging on the board.

1. Staying Away From Gum Disease

Brushing and flossing can undoubtedly help improve oral health and lessen the chances of attaining diseases of the mouth, such as gum disease. Start by brushing twice a day by using a soft-bristled toothbrush and an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste. Try flossing at least once a day to remove food particles or debris from hard-to-reach corners of the mouth. 

2. Professional Dental Cleaning

Sometimes, conventional means of brushing teeth does not help remove surface stains and plaque. Visiting your dentist once every six months is an excellent way of removing dental plaque that may stick around parts of the teeth and gums.

3. Avoid Tobacco

Quitting or avoiding tobacco is a great way to prevent teeth staining and overall health.

4. Restore Damaged Teeth

Let the new year be the perfect time to check back on existing dental restorations and address parts of your teeth that needs repairing. Dental restorations such as crowns, implants, and fillings are excellent means of preserving the structure and aesthetics of damaged teeth.

5. Let's Help Preserve Your Teeth

Teeth may often be exposed to unnecessary pressure in the form of bruxism (also known as teeth grinding). It could be the result of sleep disorders, bite issues, anxiety, stress, etc. In case you are worried about enamel erosion, be sure to see your dentist at the earliest. 

Want to plan your dental goals ahead? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kossi at Smile City Dental today and we’ll be able to guide you further. Call us on 6612528808 or request an appointment online.

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